Personal Name Help


This Personal Name Account Administration web site allows UConn staff and faculty to manage their UConn email addresses and related information. The section Tasks below describes the different changes you can make. The next section Definitions describes the various items of information that the user can manipulate.


Sign on to the System

In order to sign onto the Personal Name Account Administration system, you must be either a UConn staff or faculty, and you must have a NetID and password. You will be prompted for your Netid and password when you connect to the system.

Select a Published Personal Name

If you have multiple Personal Names, you can select one of your Personal Names as your Published Personal Name. If you have only one Personal Name, that will be your Published Personal Name — to to get another Published Personal Name you must Add a Personal Name first.

Add a Personal Name
You may have up to three Personal Names. One of these Personal Names will be the Standard Personal Name which is assigned to you when you join the University. You choose your other two Personal Names. Typically these Personal Names are of the form or, or, etc. The domain must be
New Personal Names are subject to review by ITS. If they are deemed inappropriate the name will be removed and you will be notified by email.
Delete a Personal Name
You can delete a Personal Name if it is not your Standard Personal Name or your Published Personal Name. However, if you want to delete your Published Personal Name, you can first designate a different Personal Name as your Published Personal Name. After this change, what was formerly your Published Personal Name is now just an Alternate Personal Name, and can be deleted.
Change your Display Name
Updating Display Name has moved to Please refer to our instructions on How do I change the name displayed in UConn directories?
Changes to Display Names are subject to review by ITS. If they are deemed inappropriate the name will be removed and you will be notified by email.
Change your Public Web Page

When changing your Public Web Page, it may take up to 48 hours before the change is visible in the online phonebook, but the change will be visible immediately under Exchange.


Alternate Personal Name

This refers to a Personal Name that is neither a Standard Personal Name or a Published Personal Name.

Display Name
The Display Name is the name the user is known by in the Phone Book and, if the user uses the Exchange mail server, it is also the name displayed in Exchange’s email address book and in emails to and from the user. For example, Joseph Jones might be better known by his middle name, James, in which case he might like his Display Name to be James Jones.
Your NetID is a unique name assigned to you by the University. If you do not know your NetID or your corresponding password, visit the website Your NetID is an eight character name consisting of three letters (typically your first, middle and last initial) and five digits, for example joy02005.
Personal Name
Your Personal Name is an email address that you can use to receive mail. You can have multiple Personal Names, they will all be aliases for your Registered Address. For example, if your name were Joseph Jones, you might have twoPersonal and Email sent to either Personal Name will be sent to your Registered Address, which in this example might be
You will always have a Personal Name assigned to you by ITS called the Standard Personal Name. Also, one of your Personal Names will be your Published Personal Name. This is the email address that is published in the UConn Phone Book. Note that your Standard Personal Name and your Published Personal Name can be one and the same. Personal Names that are neither your Standard Personal Name nor your Published Personal Name are called Alternate Personal Names.
Published Personal Name

This is the Personal Name email address that is published in the UConn Phone Book. Also, for people whose email accounts are on the Exchange Server, the Published Personal Name is the Reply-To address when that user sends email.

Public Web Page
Every user can enter a Public Web Page that will be listed in the online phonebook.
Registered Address
Your Registered Address is the email address of your mail server account. This is where your email is delivered. All you Personal Names point to this single Registered Address. For example, the Personal Name joseph.jones@uconn.edumight point to the Registered Address, since this is where Joseph Jones reads his email.End users cannot change their Registered Address.
These are assigned by ITS. If you need to change this for some reason, you will need to contact the ITS Tech Support Center.
Standard Personal Name
This is a Personal Name assigned to you by ITS, and typically will contain your full name (first, last and middle initials), as well as a number to insure that your Standard Personal Name is unique at the University.
End users cannot change their Standard Personal Name. These are assigned by ITS. If you need to change this for some reason, you will need to contact the ITS Tech Support Center.