Supported LDAP Attributes

The attributes described below are available for use by applications upon request via LDAP connection and service account. Most attributes are not published by default and a justification must be provided for access. Many items originate in systems which require approval from data owners.

Attribute Description
buildingName building name
cn Firstname MI Lastname
departmentNumber organization dept number
displayName preferred name (e.g. abbreviated givenName)
eduPersonAffiliation eduPerson description of individual affiliation (e.g. student, member, faculty)
eduPersonEntitlement application/purpose specific entitlements in uconn urn format
eduPersonOrgDN dc=uconn,dc=edu
eduPrimaryPersonAffiliation primary eduPersonAffiliation (e.g. staff)
employeeNumber zero padded payroll ID
emplRcd Primary Job ID
termDate Primary Job End Date [YYYYMMDD]
gidNumber POSIX gid
givenName Firstname
homeDirectory POSIX homedir
initials MI
l campus (Storrs, Avery, Stamford, etc)
mailLocalAddress local email
mailRoutingAddress internal email routing address
manager timecard approver
mobile password recovery mobile address
objectClass a collection of attributes (or an attribute container), eg eduPerson or uconnPerson containers
ou dept name as ou
postalAddress local mailing address
sn Surname
street Unit Address Number
registeredAddress Primary Job Building Street Address
destinationIndicator Primary Job Town
telephoneNumber HR recorded phone number
title jobtitle
uconnActive TRUE = able to authenticate
uconnDataSource origin feed
uconnDepartment organization dept name
uconnMobileSMSGateway provider SMS gateway
uconnPersonAffiliation uconnPerson description of individual affiliation (e.g. Undergraduate Student, Faculty)
uconnPersonalEmail personal contact email
uconnPersonDateOfBirth date of birth in mmddyyyy format
uconnPersonEmplID Student Admin Peoplesoft emplid
uconnPersonKualiDepartmentCode KFS deptcode
uconnPersonPayrollID zero padded payroll ID
uconnPersonPID unique integer identifying individual. Used on Onecard magstripe
uconnPersonPrimaryAffiliation The primary affiliation an individual would assert as his/her role at UConn (e.g. Undergraduate Student, Faculty)
uconnPublishedEmail TRUE = show email contact info, FALSE = suppress
uconnPublished TRUE = show phone contact info, FALSE = suppress
uconnUnitNumber organization unit number
uconnUnit organization unit name
uid a NetID
uidNumber POSIX uid


Eduperson attributes in use

The attributes described below are defined by Internet2 for use by all member institutions. The definitions are closely defined; the specific information can be found at

Attribute Description
eduPersonPrincipalName An identifier unique to a given individual in the form of user@scope. At UConn, appearing as, e.g.

Also known as an ePPN

eduPersonAffiliation The affiliation(s) currently associated with an individual at UConn (e.g., student, staff, faculty, etc.)
edupersonPrimaryAffiliation The primary affiliation an individual would assert as his/her role at UConn (e.g. student, staff, faculty, etc.)
eduPersonEntitlement a context specific URI (URN or URL) indicating an entitlement to a specific resource (e.g., Used for licensing, access grants for services lacking ability to check group memberships, etc.
eduPersonOrgDN The institution with which the person is associated – universally dc=uconn,dc=edu

Eduperson affiliations in use

The affiliations listed below are defined by Internet2 at Specified affiliations of alum, parent, and library-walk-in are not currently utilized.

Helpful shorthand: persons currently affiliated with the university will be returned by a filter querying for eduPersonAffiliation=member or eduPersonAffiliation=affiliate. Individuals not currently affiliated will fail to match this filter.

Attribute Description
student any type of student
staff an individual with a non-teaching role
faculty an individual with a teaching role
affiliate an individual not otherwise considered staff, student, employee, or faculty
employee an individual who is either faculty or staff
member composite affiliation meaning faculty or staff or student or employee, i.e., “a member in good standing of the university community”
alum planned for use, but not currently defined as of 02/01/2016
library-walk-in not currently in use

Uconnperson affiliations in use

The affiliations listed below are internally defined at UConn. All affiliations are marked as directed by upstream systems (UConn HR, UCHC HR, UConn registrars, etc) in employment/enrollment data provided to NetID infrastructure.

Attribute Description
Active Graduate Student
Active Law Student
Active Non Credit Student
Active Non Degree ECE Student
Active Non Degree Student
Active Undergraduate Student
An individual with a current student status

Note: Early College Experience (ECE) student – high school co-op.

Admitted Non Degree ECE Student
Admitted Graduate Student
Admitted Law Student
Admitted Undergraduate Student
An admitted but not yet matriculated student
Applicant ECE Student
Applicant Graduate Student
Applicant Non Degree Student
Applicant Undergraduate Student
Students who have applied to the university but for whom no admissions decision has been rendered.

Note: non degree applicants are possible but skipped by SA workflow
Note: applicant graduates are  possible but rare..graduate registrar inserts record at Admitted phase

Emeritus A retired faculty member endorsed for emeritus status by the Board of Trustees
Extended Student A student (graduate or undergraduate) who has graduated. This affiliation is carried to indicate the grace period between graduation and the transition to inactive. Provides time for the individual to enroll in graduate school, another student program, to receive messages about future graduation planning, etc. Transition to inactive typically occurs on or after the 10th day of the semester following individual’s graduation.
Faculty An employee considered to be a faculty member. Includes adjunct
Graduate Student A graduate student. Deprecated synonym for Active Graduate Student.
Inactive Graduate Student
Inactive Undergraduate Student
Inactive Non Credit Student
Inactive Non Degree Student
An individual no longer considered an active student. Able to authenticate to access transcript, institutional email. Should be granted authorization with caution for most licensing purposes or excluded.
Parent A student’s parent; not currently used by SA
Professional Staff An employee considered to be a professional staff member (unclassified)
Prospective Student not passed by SA
Retired An employee who has retired. Only visible during grace period post-termination
Special Payroll An individual working as an employee; typically end-dated appointments or gratis.
Student Employee

Graduate assistants, graduate student professional interns, and students employed at UConn in work study or student labor funded jobs.

Staff An employee considered to be a staff member (classified)
Undergraduate Student An undergraduate student. Deprecated synonym for Active Undergraduate Student.
Univ Affiliated Employee Individuals having a business/working relationship with the university while not being considered a student, staff, faculty, or employee (neither paid nor gratis).  Such individuals do not have a student interaction role.
Test Reserved to denote that a NetID is used for test purposes while simulating other affiliations